You've got 10 minutes in the middle of your busy day that is unscheduled and you're in need of a 'pick me up' energy snack. Instead of going for that second or third cup of coffee, try a 10 minute Pilates exercise snack, drink some water and feel the boost in energy.
Try these common exercises - 1 minute/exercise
Half Roll Backs (move from a seated position tucking your tailbone under and returning back to a lengthened spine)
Half Roll Backs with rotation (adding a twist, pull one elbow back and look in the direction you are rotating)
Supine leg Circles (10 x in each direction repeating right and left legs)
Hip Rolls ( finding articulation through your spine as you move to a bridge position and melt back down sequentially)
Side lying Side Kicks (1 minute per side/leg)
Breast Stroke Prep 1 followed by Full Breast Stroke (working in your prone position)
Bird Dog (Alternate sides and hold each for 30 seconds)
Leg Pull Front in plank position (lifting one foot at a time and shifting back and forward from the supporting leg)
Downward Facing Dog with Cross Reach to Table Top Plank.
Cat & Cow (flexion & extension of the spine)
Simple ways to squeeze some strength building and mobility into your busy day!