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So much of our daily living is devoted to flexion through our spine. When we bend over to reach something on the floor or in the garden; when we look at our phones, roll out of bed in the morning, or lean over a sink to brush our teeth.

Back extension exercises improve the stability and strength of our erector spinae muscles and improve the range of motion in our lumbar and thoracic spine. If you think of a tree in strong wind, it will sway in all directions, rooted to the ground firmly, yet pliable to move its trunk to manage the force.

By incorporating SWAN DIVE into our mat workouts we have the opportunity to strengthen extension as much as flexion of the spine, to counteract all the forces that want to move us into flexion. In SWAN, we focus on the even extension of the spine, coming as high into extension as abdominal support and scapular stabilization can be maintained.

In the video below, I am using a stability ball to make it easier to rock forward and back with my pelvis on the apex of the ball, while thinking of maintaining a crescent shape in my body. Engaging the abdominal muscles, particularly the external obliques, constantly during spinal extension, prevents overextension of the lumbar spine.

We are challenged in our life activites to make healthy movement choices and our goal is a happy balanced spine, capable of moving in all directions. Come join me on the mat and look for more SWAN DIVING and extension exercises in class this month!

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